The Daughters of Penelope

The Daughters of Penelope was the realization of Alexandra Apostolides Sonenfelds’ dream. Her desire was to create a woman’s organization and because of her perseverance and the encouragement of her husband Dr. Emanuel Apostolides, a devoted AHEPA, she formed EOS Chapter#1 with 25 charter members on November 16, 1929 in San Francisco, California. She was elected the first Grand President of the organization in 1931.

The Sons of Pericles

The Sons of Pericles were started in 1926 by a group of Manchester, N.H. AHEPANS. The founder was Dr. Alexander Cambadhis. He helped the fledging new youth group with their dealings with other organizations as well as with the Order of AHEPA. His goal and the goal of the Sons of Pericles is to promote Hellenism to the youth and to keep the fire of our Motherland burning for generations to come. Together with the aid of some members of the Order of AHEPA from the Manchester, NH, Chapter, these young men were the first members of the Order and are known collectively as The Mother Lodge of the Sons of Pericles.

The Maids of Athena

The Maids of Athena is an international philanthropic and fraternal organization and the junior auxiliary to the Daughters of Penelope. Founded in 1930, our sisterhood quickly grew among young Greek women and today claims chapters across the US, Canada, and Greece. The Maids of Athena strive to achieve the ideals of Athena, as well as promote the Principles of our Order: Sisterhood, Service, Citizenship, Hellenism, Family, and Arete.