With the sponsorship of 3 defibrillators in a beautiful environment and a great atmosphere on July 23rd, 2020, a big step was taken to strengthen the health system of the island of Thassos. 3 defibrillators were purchased in Germany thanks to the cooperation of the departments AHEPA Frankfurt and Thassos, and were handed over to the Prinos Health Center (Thassos) in a solemn ceremony by the two chairmen Dr. Savva Apostolidis, AHEPA Frankfurt, and Dimitrios Stigas, AHEPA Thassos.
During the following dinner there was the possibility to talk to the director of the health center, Mr. Thomas Angelopoulos as well as to the mayor of Thassos, Mr. Lefteris Kyriakidis.
The result of the meeting was the consolidation of the cooperation between AHEPA and the local institutions, which benefits all citizens and visitors of Thassos.