Changing of the Guard at AHEPA Chapter A617 Frankfurt.
On June 16, 2023, the members of AHEPA Chapter A617 Frankfurt met in the premises of Kennedy’s Restaurant to elect the new Board of Directors.
Outgoing President Dr. Savas Apostolidis chaired the election committee and conducted the election with his staff, Brother Anastasios Kolios as Secretary.
The following brothers were unanimously elected:
- President – Nikolaos Michos
- Vice President – Ioannis Stamatis
- Secretary – Pavlos Tsaousidis Tsachidis
- Treasurer – Lazaros Georgusopulos
Former Vice President of the Chapter and current President, Nikolaos Michos, on behalf of the outgoing Board of Directors, thanked former President Savvas Apostolidis for his work and contribution.
All the brothers of the Chapter welcomed with a warm applause the outgoing President Savvas Apostolidis, who will of course remain with us in another capacity, as well as the outgoing Secretary, Timo Surva.
We wish the new board much strength for their work.
The Board