Category Archives: news

Donation of Firefighting Equipment to the Volunteer Firefighters of the Municipality of Dionysos

It is with great joy and gratitude that we announce the donation of slightly used [...]

Successful Presentation of the First Research Results of the Bessarion Research Center in Frankfurt

In an excellent atmosphere and with the participation of about 80 guests, the event for [...]

Alexandra Gravas Captivates Audience at Philanthropic Concert of AHEPA Frankfurt in Alte Oper Frankfurt

The Alte Oper in Frankfurt was filled with music and joy last Friday night, as [...]

New Board of Directors

Changing of the Guard at AHEPA Chapter A617 Frankfurt. On June 16, 2023, the members [...]

200 years of freedom 1821-2021

Saturday March 27th, 2021 AHEPA Frankfurt in cooperation with AHEPA Wiesbaden are organizing an online [...]

3 defibrillators for Thasos

With the sponsorship of 3 defibrillators in a beautiful environment and a great atmosphere on [...]

The first donation, two defibrillators, already arrived at the civil protection and the department D.I.A.S of the municipality “Arches Olympias”

Δύο απινιδωτές δώρισε το Τμήμα ΑΧΕΠΑ Φραγκφούρτης στο Τμήμα Πολιτικής Προστασίας του Δήμου Αρχαίας Ολυμπίας. [...]

Ο Πρόεδρος της ΑΧΕΠΑ Φραγκφούρτης στην πρώτη παγκόσμια τηλεδιάσκεψη Ελλήνων Ομογενών Ιατρών

«Η εμπειρία της Ελλάδας δίδαξε ότι, όταν η Πολιτεία άκουσε τους γιατρούς και πήρε τολμηρά [...]

AHEPA Day 2020

#AHEPASunday is right around the corner! Celebrated on the third Sunday of each May, AHEPA [...]